Submitted by drupaladmin on Thu, 2006-02-09 03:07.
The use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the terms of the following Privacy Policy, including any amendments and/or revisions by AXT, Inc., which may be made at any time:
No personal information is required to use this site. However, certain services to which you may subscribe may require you to provide certain personal information. AXT, Inc. will use this information to respond to your inquiries and/or to transmit requested publications. You may also receive other mailings relating to AXT, Inc. that may be of interest to you. If you no longer wish to receive such materials or want your personal information removed from AXT's database, please contact us. AXT, Inc. does not use cookies on this site to collect information on or from our users. However, incidental to your use of this site, AXT's web server automatically logs certain information such as the name of your Internet service provider, the IP address of the computer you are using, the type of browser software and operating system that you use, the date and time you access this site, the Internet address, if any, from which you linked directly to this site, the Internet address, if any, to which you travel from this site, and other similar traffic-related information.
We may use the foregoing information internally to help us improve this site and the services that we provide through it, and we may provide such information to our employees, contractors, agents, and designees to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain site-related services (e.g., web hosting or maintenance services) on the firm's behalf. AXT, Inc. also reserves the right to disclose such information to any third party if we believe that we are required to do so by law, to comply with legal processes or governmental requests, to prevent, investigate, detect or prosecute criminal offences or attacks on the technical integrity of the web site or our network, and/or to protect the rights, property, or safety of AXT, Inc., the users of this site, or the public.